Cost of Animation

The Cost of Animation: How Much Does it Cost Per Minute?

Animation can be very expensive, especially if you hire out professionals to do it for you. A common question asked by companies who are interested in animating their videos or building an animation into their website is How much does animation cost per minute? The answer will vary from case to case, depending on several factors. This article explains what those factors are, and answers the question of how much does animation cost per minute.

Differences Between Video Production and Animation

Animation is a higher price than video production because animation takes more time to create. Video production typically costs $1,000 per minute, while animation can cost anywhere from $3,000 to as much as $100,000 per minute. Furthermore, the price also depends on the complexity and length of the video.

What Do Animators Make per Second

One thing that you should know about the cost of animation is that the price for a video varies depending on how long the video is. The price of an animated video ranges from $1,000 to $10,000 per minute. Most videos are between three and five minutes in length which means that they range from $3,000 to $5,000 per minute.

How much does a 1-Minute Animated Explainer Video Cost?

A 1-minute animated explainer video typically costs between $5,000 and $15,000. The cost can vary greatly depending on the number of people in the video and how much animation is required. For a more affordable option, you can get a basic 30-second video for about $1,500.

Costs Vary Based on the Type of Video

You’ll find that the price of an animated video varies depending on the type of video. The cost per minute can range from $2,000 to $5,000 for a simple cartoon style video with no sound and animation. If you need a more elaborate animation, where there are more characters or if you require music and sound effects, the price will typically be higher – usually $5,000-$15,000 per minute.

Factors Affecting the Price of Animated Videos

There are a number of factors that can affect the price of an animated video. Understanding these factors will allow you to get an idea of the cost before committing to anything and will help you better budget for your project.

Factors that affect the price of an animated video include the complexity and length. For example, a ten-second clip would be much less expensive than a five-minute film. Similarly, simple animations are less expensive to produce than more complicated ones. Animators also charge based on their experience level, so someone who has created hundreds of videos will cost less per minute than someone with fewer credits under their belt.

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